Sunday, January 6, 2013

If You Want to Grow: PLAN!

Any average person with a plan is more likely to succeed than a genius without one.

The actual quote is The leader with a system, however inadequate it may ultimately turn out to be, is at a vast advantage over a systemless rival, however brilliant (Page Smith in George G. Hunter III, Leading and Managing a Growing Church, Abingdon, 2000:58).

Do you have a plan to introduce people to Jesus so they can investigate his offer of salvation in their lives?

Would you be surprised to know that more than eight out of ten churches have no implementable plan for sharing faith with nonbelievers? No, probably not. And I am convinced the numbers may not be all that different in church plants, even though the purpose of most church planters is to reach the lost. It's fine to have reaching the lost as a goal, but if you don't have a plan to accomplish it I'll bet nine times out of ten you won't do it.

I want to share a simple tool with you that will help you plan to share Jesus with people. I call it the Relationship Cultivation Database and you can download a copy by clicking on the link. The Excel doc will open to the example tab. Click the Instructions tab to see how to use this tool.

The Relationship Cultivation Database lets you keep track of people in your relationship network, or those of your church, and gives you opportunity to track their relationship with you as you move them closer to considering Jesus and his personal salvation in their lives.

This tool won't cause people to believe but it sure will give you a plan to use to help them. And remember, anyone with a plan is more likely to succeed than anyone without one.

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