Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Comparing Challenges for Churches Over 30 and Under 10 Years

The U.S. Congregations Survey gives good data on the status of churches in the US: strengths, challenges, who worships in churches. Here's their list of top 5 challenges:
  1. Fewer men than women: 61% to 49%
  2. Limited involvement beyond worship
  3. Limited personal outreach: only 43% have shared their faith in the last year
  4. Congregational size: 10% of churches hold 50% of all church goers.
  5. Worshipers are getting older: two-thirds are over 45 years old

Here's the challenge list for new churches, those under 10 years old:

1.  Developing a reproducing culture
2.  Financial self-sufficiency and viability
3.  Team development and volunteer mobilization
4.  Systems, processes and cultures
5.  Vision casting and avoiding mission drift
6.  Evangelism and discipleship
7.  Spiritual, physical, and mental health of planter and family*

*From "No Church Planting Family Alone" by Ed Stetzer and Todd Wilson

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