Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Discovery Lab

  • Are you wondering about your best role in ministry? 
  • Have you been asking yourself, "Maybe it would just be easier to start a new church?" 
  • Has God placed a call into your heart for a community of people whom you know desperately need Jesus.
  • Are you frustrated because it seems you cannot build a fire of missional intensity in your current ministry?

These are signs that you would benefit from a church planter assessment.

Discovery Lab is the Kairos assessment process for planters to help  discover God's giftings and their potential to successfully gather new people together into a new church.

Our next DL is July 28 to August 1. Contact Scott Lambert at for more information.

Planter assessment is a powerful, and some say the most critical piece, in the planting process. Watch this video by Mark Driscoll speaking about the power of assessment. Mark may drive you crazy or you may say "amen." Our experience is he's right on. You may have all the desire in the world but if you don't have the experience base, if you haven't developed the right competencies, if you're not personality hard wired for it, if you're working outside of your fit--then trying to start a new church could be a miserable experience for you.

But if you're a person who is a starter. If you can see a new church that is dynamically sharing Jesus to a community of God's lost people. If you're about sharing faith, mobilizing leaders, and connecting with people you might find church planting the ministry for which God has made and called you.

Go ahead. Make the call. Connect at Discovery Lab.

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