Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A New Scorecard for Your Church Members

The idea of a church scorecard has been around a long time. Typically we church leaders count nickels and noses, but lately the talk of a new scorecard has grown. In Transformational Church: Creating a New Scorecard for Congregations Ed Stetzer and Thom Rainer define a Transformational Church as one that “transforms people to look like Christ” (p. 33). Well of course that’s what we all want. The perplexing question is how do we get there?

There is a reinterpretation of our more traditional measures that is occurring that I think is quite healthy. Think of these changes as “moves.” Here are three big moves:

1.     Membership to Discipleship. A member may have relatively little expectations made of them, and what expectations are made are generally minimal. Discipleship, on the other hand, is the maximum oriented approach of Phil. 3:14, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
2.     Attendance to Activity. With attendance as the criterion the punch card approach is what’s active. People come to services to get their cards punched. Christian action is relegated to a few hours at the church building. With activity as the criterion the field of involvement as well as the time span becomes infinite. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord” (Col. 3:23).
3.    Giving to Generosity. When we work on giving we end up talking about an activity. Giving becomes a matter of counting. With generosity we are working on a lifestyle. “As for the rich in this present age, . . . They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share (1 Tim. 6:17-19).

Last week I asked a younger minister what a personal scorecard for church members might look like from his vantage point. His answers were simple and specific. As you read them think of how your church might use these as part of your year-end reviews and challenges to your people. What?! You don’t do such reviews? In my life I’ve never been part of a church that did. I think this kind of scorecard could make a huge impact. Let’s try it.

#1    Worship Experience: How have you engaged in your worship and experience of God?
·       We expect our people to be part of our community worship experiences 75% of Sundays.
·       Our goal is 100% of our people making community worship a life priority for themselves and their families.
#2    Relational Community: How have you developed your relationships with others in this body?
·       We expect our people to be part of a relationship building community.
·       Our goal is 100% of our people taking part in our relationship groups.
#3   Financial Generosity: How have you contributed to the mission and ministry of this church through your giving?
·       We expect our people to be generous givers, using a tithe as a keystone point.
·       Our goal is 50% of our people tithing.
#4    Body Service: What have you done to serve and add to our church body?
·       We expect our people to use their gifts and abilities to bless the life of our church.
·       Our goal is 75% of our people sharing their giftedness with our church.
#5    Community Service: What have you done to serve our community as a witness of Christ in the world?
·       We expect our people to do good in the world, not just in the name of Jesus, but to express the name Jesus with those whom they serve.
·       Our goal is 75% of our people sharing their faith as witnesses of Jesus to our community through word and deed.
#6    Personal Life: What spiritual disciplines have you practiced this year that have helped you grow in the life of faith?
·       We expect our people to grow in their abilities to be mature Christians, able to handle well the word of truth.
·       Our goal is 75% of our people are deliberately developing their spiritual lives in a planned, intentional way.

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